Re: setuid scripts in SunOS 4.1.x

Colin Campbell (
Fri, 23 Sep 94 8:52:20 EST

> In message <> you write:
> > I have just noticed that SunOS 4.1.x has not fixed the setuid script
> > problem.  I can't see a solution on SunSolve and Sun Support are not
> > helpful.  Can anyone advise me of the procedure to fix this bug?
> The best solution is to make sure you don't have suid shell scripts
> Cops does a fine job in finding them for you so does:
> find /   \( -type d -fstype nfs -prune \) -o -type f \( -perm -4001 -o -perm
>  -4010 -o -perm -4100 -o -perm -2100 -o -perm -2010 -o -perm -2001 \)
> If I remeber correctly SunOS 4.1.x is just one of those UNIX systems that
> allows suid shell scripts. I don't think this will be 'fixed'.
> But you can always try to mail security-alert@Sun.COM.
Of course you can always mount your filesystems `nosuid'.
